I'd like to update the geometry definition to include a specific SRID
CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW published.ql_cmd_cruise_layer_web
TABLESPACE pg_default
AS SELECT ql_cmd_cruise_layer_web.cruise_id,
ql_cmd_cruise_layer_web.shape_wgs84::geometry(4326) AS shape_wgs84,
FROM oracle_fdw.ql_cmd_cruise_layer_web
The geom column holds both polygons and multipolygons, so I can't do ::geometry(Poygon,4326)
which has worked on other, simpler tables.
Using ::geometry(4326)
results in SQL Error [22023]: ERROR: Invalid geometry type modifier: 4326 Position: 1094
You must give a geometry type. Since you have mixed content, you can use the generic geometry
type during the cast.
ql_cmd_cruise_layer_web.shape_wgs84::geometry(geometry,4326) AS shape_wgs84,