I am trying to prove a lemma called alignof_correct in Coq, which verifies that the alignof function I defined for a type returns a positive value. I have defined the types and the function, and imported the ZArith library.
Require Import ZArith.
Inductive type :=
| Tstruct : nat -> fieldlist -> type
with fieldlist :=
| Fnil : fieldlist
| Fcons : nat -> type -> fieldlist -> fieldlist.
Fixpoint alignof (ty: type): Z :=
match ty with
| Tstruct _ fld => alignof_fields fld
with alignof_fields (fld: fieldlist): Z :=
match fld with
| Fnil => 1
| Fcons _ ty fld' => Z.max (alignof ty) (alignof_fields fld')
Lemma alignof_correct : forall (ty : type),
(alignof ty > 0)%Z.
intros ty. induction ty.
simpl. apply Z.gt_lt_iff.
Can anyone provide me with some guidance on how to prove these? Thank you!!
The usual way is to prove mutual lemmas:
Lemma alignof_correct : forall (ty : type),
(alignof ty > 0)%Z
with alignof_fields_correct: forall (fld: fieldlist),
(alignof_fields fld > 0)%Z.
- intros ty. induction ty;try now reflexivity.
+ simpl. apply IHty.
+ simpl.
apply alignof_fields_correct.
- induction fld.
+ simpl. auto with zarith.
+ simpl.
auto with zarith.
That said the second proof does not make use of the mutual induction hypothesis so in this particular case you can prove the field
stuff alone first:
Lemma alignof_fields_correct: forall (fld: fieldlist),
(alignof_fields fld > 0)%Z.
induction fld.
+ simpl. auto with zarith.
+ simpl.
auto with zarith.
Lemma alignof_correct : forall (ty : type),
(alignof ty > 0)%Z.
intros ty.
induction ty;try now reflexivity.
+ simpl. apply IHty.
+ simpl.
apply alignof_fields_correct.