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Quickperf @ExpectUpdate does not recognise configured batch size of Jooq

I am replacing the usage of JDBC Template with Jooq. For example, to batch update entities in a database. Against this I am running unit tests that use Quickperf annotations, as @ExpectUpdate.

The batch size in Jooq configuration is set to 100. Now, if I update 650 entities, I would expect 7 queries (650/100) to be executed. However, Quickperf tells me:

java.lang.AssertionError: a performance-related property is not respected

[PERF] Expected number of UPDATE statements <7> but is <1>.

while batch size seems to be 650 according to Quickperf:

[JDBC QUERY EXECUTION (executeQuery, executeBatch, ...)]

    Time:42, Success:True, Type:Prepared, Batch:True, QuerySize:1, BatchSize:650, Query:["update...

With JDBC Template, this test would pass with @ExpectUpdate(7).

To update the records, I used Jooq method dslContext.batchUpdate( updatableRecords ).execute(). Then I tried with following Jooq method

dslContext.batched( c -> entities.forEach( entity -> c.dsl()
            .update( table )
            .set( table.tableFieldToUpdate, newValue )
            .where( table.tableField.eq( someValue ) )
            .execute() ) );

For the latter, the test passes, so batch size seems to be equal to 100 from Quickperf point of view.

Is this, by any chance, a bug in the Quickperf or am I missing something?


  • The Settings.batchSize flag was introduced in jOOQ 3.14 with #3419, only for the BatchedConnection. The assumption being that with a BatchedConnection, it s hard to otherwise control the batch size, whereas with explicit batchUpdate() calls, you can just chunk your List and run a nested loop.

    But it could indeed be convenient to either extend the flag's reach to other batch usage, or to add additional flags for those other batch API. I've created a feature request for this: #14840