I'd like to do nice typography on the web-- that is, fonts other than the limited set of "web safe" fonts.
Reasonable choices (considering accessibility and SEO) seem to be Cufón or sIFR or maybe @font-face.
Which approach has some blessing from font foundries? Are some foundries more web-friendly? I know there are free font houses, but I don't know of a good free font catalog.
Generally speaking, Font Linking (e.g. @font-face
) will violate the EULA for the font you're using, because it is based on redistributing the font file. Ergo, you can't. Of course, there are fonts which allow this.
Hoefler & Frere-Jones mentions sIFR in their FAQ under point 20: http://www.typography.com/ask/faq.php. To summarize, they are fine with it, as long as you take all measures possible to prevent easy reuse of the Flash file. I have not seen this from other foundries. That said, Flash embedding should be known by now, and IFR/sIFR is about six years old, with no lawsuits that I know of.
I am unsure about Cufón, since its rather easy to reuse a Cufón font file in different settings. But please note that I do not wish to spread FUD about a 'competitor' to sIFR, so take this as you wish.