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Remove extra li inside of ul in handlebarjs

I have a handlebar html

<ul><li>{{#listConstruct product}}{{this}}{{/listConstruct}}</li></ul>

Need to have output like this


I wrote a listConstruct helper like this.

Handlebars.registerHelper('listConstruct', function(items) {
   let res = '';
    items.forEach((val)=>{res+= '<li>'+val+'</li>'});
   return res;

But this result in output like this


How to remove the extra li inside of UL.


  • I truly do not understand why you cannot use a simple #each as in:

      {{#each items}}

    If you absolutely must add your template within the <li>, then you can do the following. You can achieve your desired result by joining all of the items in your array together with </li><li> so that the finished string looks like Pen</li><li>Pencil</li><li>Notebook. This string, once injected into the template's <li> will produce your desired, valid HTML. Note: You will need to use Handlebars' SafeString utility function so as not to escape the HTML tags in the helper's return value.

    const template = Handlebars.compile(`<ul><li>{{#listConstruct product}}{{this}}{{/listConstruct}}</li></ul>`);
    const product = [
    Handlebars.registerHelper('listConstruct', function (items, options) {
      return options.fn(new Handlebars.SafeString(items.join('</li><li>')));
    document.body.innerHTML = template({ product });
    <script src=""></script>