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@ validation for email in BlackBerry

I am developing a form where the user needs to enter a valid email. He/she will use it as a loginid to play the game.I want to know how can I validate the username containing @, similar to string.contains function. I learnt we can use string.indexOf() but it is not supporting "@". Kindly suggest how do I carry out this validation. When the email editfield loses focus, the username must be checked to see if it contains "@" or not.


  • Use EmailAddressEditField.. here is the way

    EmailAddressEditField email=new EmailAddressEditField("Email Address: ", "");
            String address =email.getText();
                int at = address.indexOf("@");
                int len = address.length();
                String host = address.substring(at + 1, len);
                int dot = host.lastIndexOf('.');
                len = host.length();
                if (at <= 0 || at > len - 6  && dot < 0 || dot >= len - 3)
                    Dialog.alert("Invalid email");
                     if (host.indexOf("..") >= 0)
                         Dialog.alert("Invalid email");
                         //correct mail id.. continue your process