Trying to learn about unit testing for async method
Let's say I have this that I want to test
async def run(self):
while True:
async with DBHook(mssql_conn_id=self.db_conn).get_cursor() as cursor:
rows = cursor.fetchone()
if rows[0] > 0:
yield TriggerEvent(True)
await asyncio.sleep(self.sleep_interval)
This is in a class of course.
Now, I would like to assert that
asyncio is called when number of rows affected by fetchone is zero
So, I am trying to write to test like this (tried other variations as well)
import aiounittest
import mock
import mymodule as st
class SQLTriggerTests(aiounittest.AsyncTestCase):
async def test_run(self, mock_asyncio, mock_MsSqlIntegratedHook):
my_obj = mymodule.classname(sql="select blabla", mssql_conn_id="db")
conn.fetchone.return_value= (0,)
res =
The assertion fails saying asyncio is not called.
I also tried using await in the call to, but that gives me an error saying
can't be awaited on a generator object.
How should I test this properly. Python version:3.9
Update 1: since last time, I have made some progress but still unable to successfully test the async method. I now fixed the await problem with the generator by awaiting on the anext as the async generator can't be awaited on, but now I can't mock cursor execute or fetchone. I have tried mocking the coroutine like the following (following some S.O posts).
Basically now I can't seem to be able to mock rows = cursor.fetchone()
and therefore the test fails when it encounters
if rows[0] > 0
def get_mock_coro(return_value):
m = mock.MagicMock()
def mock_coro(*args, **kwargs):
return m(*args, **kwargs)
mock_coro.mock = m
mock_coro.execute = mock.MagicMock()
mock_coro.fetchone = mock.MagicMock()
mock_coro.fetchone.return_value = return_value
return Mock(wraps=mock_coro)
async def test_run(self, mock_asyncio, mock_MsSqlIntegratedHook):
sql_trigger_test_obj = st.SQLTrigger(sql="select blabla", mssql_conn_id="conn")
mock_record = (0)
gen =
res=await (gen.__anext__())
Ok, so I found a way to test this. This was through debugging and also following some bits and pieces of information from different posts on S.O
and then await.This is how I finally fixed it. This works, however if there is a better way to do this , then I am all eyes and ears.
import asyncio
from unittest.mock import Mock
import aiounittest
import mock
import mymodule as st
def get_mock_asyncio():
m = mock.MagicMock()
def mock_coro(*args, **kwargs):
return m(*args, **kwargs)
mock_coro.mock = m
mock_coro.sleep = mock.MagicMock()
return Mock(wraps=mock_coro)
def get_mock_sql_corountine(return_value):
m = mock.MagicMock()
def mock_coro(*args, **kwargs):
return m(*args, **kwargs)
mock_coro.mock = m
mock_coro.execute = mock.MagicMock()
mock_coro.fetchone = mock.MagicMock(return_value=return_value)
return Mock(wraps=mock_coro)
class SQLTriggerTests(aiounittest.AsyncTestCase):
@mock.patch("mymodule.DBHook", autospec=True)
@mock.patch("mymodule.asyncio", autospec=True)
async def test_run(self, mock_asyncio, mock_MsSqlIntegratedHook):
sql_trigger_test_obj = st.SQLTrigger(sql="select blabla", mssql_conn_id="dbconn")
mock_record = (1,)
mock_MsSqlIntegratedHook.return_value.get_cursor.return_value.__aenter__.return_value = get_mock_sql_corountine(mock_record)
mock_asyncio.sleep.return_value = get_mock_asyncio()
gen =
await (gen.__anext__())