Every time I use a variable (eggs, spam, hams, and yams) and use a random function from the math library (math.random(100)) in Lua, it keeps giving the same exact number it randomized the first time. How can I edit the code so it will give a new randomized integer every time it is run?
spam = math.random(100)
eggs = math.random(100)
yams = math.random(100)
hams = math.random(100)
if eggs > spam then
print("eggs are better than spam")
if spam > eggs then
print("spam is better than eggs")
if yams > hams then
print("yams are better than hams")
if hams > yams then
print("hams are better than yams")
I Tried using a goto function to a label, but Lua didn't recognize Label. Like this:
:: Label ::
--further code
goto Label
First, set the seed and than roll the Dice before return a random...
-- oooh.lua
math.random() -- Roll
math.random() -- Roll
math.random() -- Roll
local one_out_of_hundred = math.random(1, 100)
print(("%s:\t%d"):format(_VERSION, one_out_of_hundred))
Than you can check it against different Lua Versions...
€ /bin/lua oooh.lua
Lua 5.1: 56
€ /bin/lua oooh.lua
Lua 5.1: 38
€ /bin/lua oooh.lua
Lua 5.1: 20
€ /usr/bin/lua oooh.lua
Lua 5.3: 15
€ /usr/bin/lua oooh.lua
Lua 5.3: 15
€ /usr/bin/lua oooh.lua
Lua 5.3: 57
€ /usr/bin/lua oooh.lua
Lua 5.3: 51
€ /usr/local/bin/lua oooh.lua
Lua 5.4: 43
€ /usr/local/bin/lua oooh.lua
Lua 5.4: 91
€ /usr/local/bin/lua oooh.lua
Lua 5.4: 66
Second, as i know only Lua 5.4 allow goto labels
See: https://www.lua.org/manual/5.4/manual.html#3.3.4
Try: To find it in other Lua Version References ;-)