I am converting my advance search component used inside my landing page into Lazy Loading.
My landing page html:
<button (click)="onAdvanceSearch()"></button>
<ng-template #formComponent></ng-template>
My landing page .ts file
@ViewChild('formComponent', { read: ViewContainerRef })
formComponent!: ViewContainerRef;
async loadAdvanceSearchForm() {
const { MaterialAdvanceSearchComponent } = await import(
onAdvanceSearch(): void {
Everything works fine, but I am not sure how to pass the data as Input() & how to capture Output() event.
Previously it was simple as below
<app-material-advancesearch [searchkeywords]="searchkeywords" (notifyMaterialList)="refreshLists($event)"></app-material-advancesearch>
Now after converting into Lazy Load component - where shall I mention my Input() & Output() properties ?
Thanks in advance
In order to set the input properties of a dynamically added / lazy loaded component, you have to store the reference to it in a variable and then access it's instance
property like this:
const ref = this.formComponent.createComponent(MaterialAdvanceSearchComponent);
ref.instance.someInputProperty = 'someValue';
However, this approach has some drawbacks (see this post).
In Angular v14 a new method was introduced to overcome this issues. You can now set the input properties like this:
ref.setInput('someInputProperty', 'someValue');