I have two tables orders
and orderdetails
table orders (PK = id, UNIQUE index on orderno)
| 1|1000 |
| 2|1001 |
table orderdetails (PK = id)
| 1| 1|ABC | 3|
| 2| 1|XYZ | 4|
Now I want to query the data with:
SELECT o.orderno, od.item, od.qty
FROM orders o
INNER JOIN orderdetails od ON o.orderno = od.order
which returns:
|1000 |ABC | 3|
|1000 |XYZ | 4|
However If I use the following code to load the result into a DataTable it fails:
var connectionString = "Server=localhost;Database=orders;Uid=root;";
var commandText = "SELECT o.orderno, od.item, od.qty" + Environment.NewLine +
"FROM orders o" + Environment.NewLine +
"INNER JOIN orderdetails od ON o.orderno = od.order";
var reader = MySqlHelper.ExecuteReader(connectionString, commandText);
var table = new DataTable("OrdersQuery");
table.Fill(reader); // throws ConstraintException
The problem is, that
is a UniqueConstraints
on the orderno column. Propably because
has a IsUnique=true
entry for orderno (which is true in the base table, but not true for the join query).
Even worse, that doesn't help either:
table.BeginLoadData(); // msdn docs claim that this should disable constraints
Any ideas how to fix this?
System.Data.ConstraintException Was Unhandled.
Message=Failed to enable constraints. One or more rows contain values violating non-null, unique, or foreign-key constraints.
bei System.Data.DataTable.EnableConstraints()
bei System.Data.DataTable.set_EnforceConstraints(Boolean value)
bei System.Data.DataTable.EndLoadData()
bei System.Data.Common.DataAdapter.FillFromReader(DataSet dataset, DataTable datatable, String srcTable, DataReaderContainer dataReader, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords, DataColumn parentChapterColumn, Object parentChapterValue)
bei System.Data.Common.DataAdapter.Fill(DataTable[] dataTables, IDataReader dataReader, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords)
bei System.Data.Common.LoadAdapter.FillFromReader(DataTable[] dataTables, IDataReader dataReader, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords)
bei System.Data.DataTable.Load(IDataReader reader, LoadOption loadOption, FillErrorEventHandler errorHandler)
bei System.Data.DataTable.Load(IDataReader reader)
I just figured out, that
does not create the constraint, if I already added the columns.
So I fixed this by using a nice little extension method:
public static void Load(this DataTable table, IDataReader reader, bool createColumns)
if (createColumns)
var schemaTable = reader.GetSchemaTable();
foreach (DataRowView row in schemaTable.DefaultView)
var columnName = (string)row["ColumnName"];
var type = (Type)row["DataType"];
table.Columns.Add(columnName, type);
table.Fill(reader, true);