I have case like based on a type send email to different platform (this is sample use case)
So I have done below so far
from abc import ABC, abstractclassmethod
import json
class Email(ABC):
def sendEmail(self):
class Gmail(ABC):
def sendEmail(self):
# some implementation
return "Sent to gmail"
class HotMail(ABC):
def sendEmail(self):
# some implementation
return "Sent to hotmail"
def lambda_handler(event, context):
info = json.loads(event['body'])
mail_platform = info['type'] # this will be gmail or hotmail
if mail_platform == 'gmail':
mail = Gmail()
elif mail_platform == 'hotmail':
mail = HotMail()
Problem is whenever there is new email platform (yahoo for example) I have to add another elif in lambda code. Is there better way to handle this?
You can put supported classes inside a dictionary and treat them as any other variable, getting proper class based on a key from dictionary:
def lambda_handler(event, context):
info = json.loads(event['body'])
types = {'gmail': Gmail, 'hotmail': HotMail}
mail = types[info['type']]()