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How to hide certain actions from the Chrome Custom Tab menu (e.g. the bookmark and download buttons)?

I'm using a Chrome Custom Tab on my app and I'd like to be able to disable a few buttons that pop up automatically when I launch it to open a Google drive file, namely the button for bookmarking the page and the button for downloading it. I've searched throughout the web with no luck whatsoever.

Below is the image highlighting which buttons exactly I seek to hide in my custom tab. Anyone knows how to achieve this?! Thank you so much in advance.

the buttons I want to hide


  • Latest years for custom tabs we should use package androidx.browser

    dependencies {
        implementation "androidx.browser:browser:1.5.0"

    To use extra features...

    CustomTabsIntent.Builder builder = new CustomTabsIntent.Builder();
    // official way to disable share button
    // official way to show website title in address bar 
    CustomTabsIntent customTabsIntent =;
    // unofficial way to show website title in address bar
    customTabsIntent.intent.putExtra(CustomTabsIntent.EXTRA_TITLE_VISIBILITY_STATE, 1);
    // unofficial (only) way to disable download button
    customTabsIntent.intent.putExtra("", true);
    // unofficial (only) way to disable star button
    customTabsIntent.intent.putExtra("", true);
    customTabsIntent.launchUrl(mainActivity, Uri.parse(""));

    What you can change you can see here but almost all of constants there you can change officialy by doc here:

    More interesting is what you can also change is in Chromium source code here: ... and just here is EXTRA_DISABLE_DOWNLOAD_BUTTON & EXTRA_DISABLE_STAR_BUTTON

    See result without download and star buttons...

    See result without download and star buttons