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Html5 QRcode scanner library not closing camera after scan

I use this library for qrcode scan

It works fine but I can't stop camera after successful scan and camera stays open all the time after usage.

This is the code I used, and I use suggested stop function too but not working.

docReady(function () {
var resultContainer = document.getElementById('qr-reader-results');
var lastResult, countResults = 0;
function onScanSuccess(decodedText, decodedResult) {
    if (decodedText !== lastResult) {
        lastResult = decodedText;
        // Handle on success condition with the decoded message.
        console.log(`Scan result ${decodedText}`, decodedResult);



        html5QrcodeScanner.stop().then((ignore) => {
          // QR Code scanning is stopped.
        }).catch((err) => {
          // Stop failed, handle it.



var html5QrcodeScanner = new Html5QrcodeScanner(
    "qr-reader", { fps: 10, qrbox: 250 });


  • I found the solution to trigger click event on library's "Stop Camera" button which is shown when camera is active.

    jQuery way 
    Pure JS

    But it is better to check whether the button is active and also the scanner division visible (if you are showing scanner after a button is clicked)

      if (