I try to find pairs of files in two different directories. One File ends with .anno and the other with .png. I try to find them and count how much maches i have. So i tried this:
for AnnoFile in glob.iglob(f'annotations/**/*.anno', recursive=True):
AnnoFile_name = Path(AnnoFile).stem
print("1: " + AnnoFile_name)
for CatFile in glob.iglob(f'categories/**/.png', recursive=True):
CatFile_name = Path(CatFile).stem
print("2: " + CatFile_name)
CatFile_name = CatFile_name.replace("_visu", "")
if AnnoFile == CatFile_name:
print("Match found!")
Counter = Counter + 1
I tried to first find the ".anno"-File and then search for the matching .png file. The name of the .png-File have a suffix, which is why i replace "_visu" with "". All i see in the console is the print of the first for-loop.
I have found the error. I forgot the '*' before .png. So it must be:
for AnnoFile in glob.iglob(f'annotations/**/*.anno', recursive=True):
AnnoFile_name = Path(AnnoFile).stem
print("1: " + AnnoFile_name)
for CatFile in glob.iglob(f'categories/**/*.png', recursive=True):
CatFile_name = Path(CatFile).stem
print("2: " + CatFile_name)
CatFile_name = CatFile_name.replace("_visu", "")
if AnnoFile == CatFile_name:
print("Match found!")
Counter = Counter + 1