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How to combine some markdown (with yaml header) files into a single pandoc output

I want to combine a few markdown files (0*.md, i.e., and with a file containing a title and abstract ( files into a single pandoc output. All the files include headers like:

title: title02 
abstract: abstract02

followed by text.

The result is produced with

pandoc -o readme.pdf 0*.md 

and is nearly satisfactory. The title and the abstract is the title of the last file (not of the file). The title of the 0*.md files however are not included.

Is there are possibility to achieve the desired output with a pandoc command or do I need to revert to a program to combine the files? What can I change to improve the result?

I see some similarity to advice but the process is too involved; I need a procedure which runs automatically on different sets of similarly structured files.

enter image description here


  • Pandoc has a useful feature for cases like this: custom Lua readers. We can use that to use the input files just the way we need it.

    The script below assumes that the first input file ( is special, in that it defines the top-level metadata. All other input files are slightly modified: the title is converted into a top-level heading, and all other headings are shifted to accommodate for that. Likewise, an abstract is added as a separate section. You can customize this further if needed.

    Use the below by saving it to a file combine.lua, then call pandoc with pandoc --from=combine.lua ....

    function Reader(inputs, opts)
      local doc = pandoc.Pandoc{}  -- the resulting document
      -- parse input as Markdown
      local parse = function (input)
        return, 'markdown', opts)
      -- The first file is assumed to be special. Just use as-is.
      doc = doc .. parse(inputs:remove(1))
      -- Process each input file separately and merge it into the top-level
      -- document.
      for i, input in ipairs(inputs) do
        local part = parse(input, opts)
        -- add the title as a top-level heading
        if part.meta.title then
          doc.blocks:insert(pandoc.Header(1, part.meta.title))
          part.meta.title = nil  -- unset, so it won't conflict with main title
        -- add the abstract under a new heading
        if part.meta.abstract then
          doc.blocks:insert(pandoc.Header(2, 'Abstract'))
            pandoc.utils.type(part.meta.abstract) == 'Inlines' and
            {pandoc.Plain(part.meta.abstract)} or
          part.meta.abstract = nil  -- prevent conflicts
        -- append the main contents to the result doc and merge all meta
        -- information. Shift headings in the part.
        doc = doc .. part:walk {
          Header = function (h)
            h.level = h.level + 1
            return h
      return doc