I am currently learning how to interact with an external database in Visual Studios via C#.
I have a table named Notetext with a column 'Id' and a column 'Text'.
I want to insert a new line with the program, but every time the program stops at 'context.SaveChanges' and shows the error message:
IBM.Data.Db2.DB2Exception: "External component has thrown an exception."
Info: I use DBMS Informix from IBM
My current code looks like this:
namespace Notebook.Models
public partial class Notetext
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Text { get; set; }
private void InsertIntoButton_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
using var context = new NotebookContext();
// Database table Notetext
var note = new Notetext
Id = 10,
Text = "This is the test text",
I kept changing and trying a few things, but obviously not the right ones.
Don't mind my english, not my native language.
After much trial and error, I finally managed to solve my problem. In fact, it was caused by an in-house requirement for the creation of a new database in our DBMS that not everyone knew existed.
However, I'll post my solution here on Stack Overflow in case anyone else might encounter a problem like this.
CREATE DATABASE name_of_db IN dbse01 WITH LOG;