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How to upper all columns from DataFrame except columns from list if columns from list exists in DataFrame in Python Pandas?

I have DataFrame in Python Pandas like below (my real DF has many many more columns):

Input data:

COL1  | col2   | col3
 X    | 11     | 2021
 Y    | 22     | 1990


And I need to make upper each column names in DataFrame except column names from list below if columns from list exists:

list_not_to_up = ["col2", "col55"]

my code is:

df.columns = [x.upper() if x not in df[list_not_to_up].columns else x for x in df.columns]

Nevertheless I have error: KeyError: "['col55'] not in index"

Desire output:

COL1  | col2   | COL3
 X    | 11     | 2021
 Y    | 22     | 1990

How to modify my code so as to upper all columns from DataFrame except columns from list if of course columns from list exists in DataFrame in Python Pandas?


  • You can try to rename on the column difference:

    df.rename(columns={c: c.upper() for c in df.columns.difference(list_not_to_up)})


      COL1  col2  COL3
    0    X    11  2021
    1    Y    22  1990