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Laravel Prevent Duplicate Entries for the same request via Webhook

We are using Laravel with webhook heavily.

We are getting about 10 requests / second via webhook and some services are sending the multiple same request at the same time via webhook. We need to save only 1 entry for the same request. (service_id, param)

We are getting duplicate entry issue in the following logic:

$model = MyModel::where("service_id", $request->service_id)->where("param", $request->param)->first();

 //update model
}else {
 //create new model

When I check service_id and param in MyModel, there are a lot of duplication entries. I think while one is being created, the other same request can query and create new one.

Can anyone help me how to solve this issue? I think we can use Queue so that we can handle syncronously but Queue is not our option for now.


  • If you followed the documents from Laravel's supervisor configuration, there might be 8 daemons.

    And there will be 8 running jobs simultaneously.

    Or in the other case too, there might be some simultaneously running jobs at the same time.

    We can solve this by using middleware inside Laravel Job.

    // App\Jobs\MyJob.php
    public function middleware()
        return [new WithoutOverlapping($this->what_ever_id)];

    This will prevent to run the jobs simultaneously for the same what_ever_id values.

    This solved my issue.