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Multiple firebase and cloud console projects for oauth verification

We have a cordova app that uses google login and accesses various sensitive scopes from that user's google account. This means that our app will have to undergo the google oauth verification process.

We have created a single firebase project for the app, which comes with an automatically generated Google Cloud Console project. This is all fine but we are seeing that google's documentation states that we need separate google cloud console projects for development and production.

Use separate projects for testing and production

Some policies and requirements only apply to production apps. For this reason, you must create separate projects in the Google API Console for each deployment tier, such as development, staging, and production.

So do we need to have multiple firebase projects? Or can you have one firebase project associated with multiple google cloud console projects?

I have tried to create separate firebase projects for development and production and you cannot reuse the same android package name in multiple firebase projects. I have already used in the development project and it's not letting me use that in the production. I guess I'm confused about how this is supposed to work.


  • For the sake of posterity I'll post my own answer explaining what happened.

    There really is no issue here. You can actually create multiple firebase projects with apps that have the same iOS bundle id and/or android package name. The firebase UI made me think it wasn't working but it actually was.

    What you cannot do is re-use the same keystore fingerprint across multiple projects for with the same bundle ids or package names. So you can only use a single debug keystore fingerprint with the package name in one firebase project. You can however just create multiple debug keystores to get around this.