I am following the example code I have found on a website which demonstrates how pipelining in C programming works. Specifically with the use of pipe() and fork(). The provided program is made to concatenate an input string with a fixed string put into the program. There seems to be no errors in the code. However, every time I run it, there is no output string at all. Right now, the main libraries are removed just to make the code more clear.
//Two pipes used
//One pipe goes from parent process (process 1) to the child process (process 2)
//Remember, '0' in the array means 'read end'
//'1' in the array means write end
int p12[2];
int p21[2];
//Now declare the strings
char fixed_str[] = "at tutorialspoint";
char input_str[100];
//Making the first parent process
pid_t P;
//Making sure the pipes are properly made and declared
if (pipe(p12)==-1 || pipe(p21)==-1)
//fprintf simply sends formatted output to a stream
//'stderr' is the standard error message
//essentially, print below if there is an error
fprintf(stderr, "fork Failed");
return 1;
//Now to take in the input string from user
scanf("%99s", input_str);
//Now to make the second/child process
P = fork();
//If <0, the process creation failed
if ( P < 0 )
fprintf(stderr, "fork Failed");
return 1;
//If P > 0, which will be the process ID of the child
//process to the parent process
//Essentially, this is the parent process which will
//be executed
else if ( P > 0 )
//Declare the concatenated string
char concat_str[100];
//Close the 'read end' for pipe going from pipe 1 to pipe 2
//It is not needed write now.
//Write to the 'write end' for pipe going from pipe 1 to pipe 2
write(p12[1], input_str, strlen(input_str)+1);
//Now close the write end
//Now, focus on the pipe from process 2 (child) back to process 1 (parent)
//First, have the program wait so everything else can happen
//Next, close the write end of the pipe from process 2 to 1
//It is not needed
//Now, read the concatenated string from the child process (2)
//The child process would have sent it through the pipe from process 2 to process 1
//Therefore, get it from there
read(p21[0], concat_str, 100);
printf("Concatenated string: %s", concat_str);
//Then close the read end of this pipe. It is not needed anymore
//Exit the parent process
//Now, process 2, the child process.
//Remember this is shown by = 0
//Close the write end of the pipe from process 1 to 2. You dont need it
//Redeclare the concatenated string
char concat_str[100] = ".";
//Now, to take the string sent from process 1 (parent),
//which is currently sitting in pipe 1 to 2.
//The process will read it and call it 'concat_str'
read(p12[0], concat_str, 100);
//This is where the addition of the new string begins
//See how many characters are in the inputted string
int k = strlen(concat_str);
//Declare an integer for the new fixed string
//Reminder: char fixed_str[] = " at tutorialspoint";
int i;
//Now to do it
for (i = 0; i < strlen(fixed_str); i++)
concat_str[k++] = fixed_str[i];
concat_str[k] = '\0';
//concat_str[k] = '\0';
//Close the read ends of the pipes. They are not needed
//Now finally, write this new string back to process 1 (parent process)
write(p21[1], concat_str, strlen(concat_str)+1);
//Now, close this pipe and exit
return 0;
The line close(p21[0]); is closing the read end of the pipe going from process 2 to process 1. This will result in a broken pipe error when the parent process tries to read from the pipe later. You want to close the write end instead so this:
//Now, focus on the pipe from process 2 (child) back to process 1 (parent)
//First, have the program wait so everything else can happen
//Next, close the write end of the pipe from process 2 to 1
//It is not needed
Should be changed to this:
//Now, focus on the pipe from process 2 (child) back to process 1 (parent)
//First, have the program wait so everything else can happen
//Next, close the write end of the pipe from process 2 to 1
//It is not needed