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Access Query To Split String (with unordered variables in it) Into Columns BUT Output Is Ordered (each variable into a column with like)

I know enough to be dangerous in ms access, but a query with this level of functionality escapes me.

The Problem: I have an export of 100K+ products from a website to massage to import into another system. But I need to convert a string into separate columns in a clean way. This column contains product variable fields as a string separated by a delimiter (type, length, color, etc). The problem is the order of these don't line up so I can't just do a text to columns.

Example Input:

Product Field1
Product 1 Type=Multiple;Side=Optional;Front=No;Hardware=Steel
Product 2 Length=130 ft.;Type=Cable
Product 3 Type=Foam;Ratings=Medium

Example Output: (in no particular column order):

Product Type Side Front Hardware Length Ratings
Product 1 Multiple Optional No Steel
Product 2 Cable 130 ft.
Product 3 Foam Medium

These stack overflow questions are very close but I'm not seeing how to convert it to this application. Thoughts?


  • Consider a function that returns data part.

    Function GetData(strF As String, strS As String)
    Dim aryS As Variant, x As Integer
    aryS = Split(strS, ";")
    For x = 0 To UBound(aryS)
        If Split(aryS(x),"=")(0) = strF Then
            GetData = Split(aryS(x),"=")(1)
            Exit For
        End If
    End Function

    This version allows for multiples of same category in field:

    Function GetData(strF As String, strS As String)
    Dim aryS As Variant, x As Integer
    aryS = Split(strS, ";")
    For x = 0 To UBound(aryS)
        If Split(aryS(x), "=")(0) = strF Then
            GetData = GetData & Split(aryS(x), "=")(1) & ","
        End If
    If GetData <> "" Then GetData = Left(GetData, Len(GetData) - 1)
    End Function

    Example of calling function from SELECT query (could be used for an INSERT INTO SELECT) for one field:
    SELECT Product, GetData("Type",[Field1]) AS Type FROM Table1;

    Any process dependent on knowing beforehand what categories will be present will fail if new categories are encountered.

    Following code writes records to a ProductSpecs table with fields Product, Category, Data.

    Sub StringToRecords()
    Dim rs As DAO.Recordset, db As DAO.Database, aryS As Variant, x As Integer
    Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM Table1")
    Set db = CurrentDb
    Do While Not rs.EOF
        aryS = Split(rs!Field1, ";")
        For x = 0 To UBound(aryS)
            db.Execute "INSERT INTO ProductSpecs(Product, Category, Data) " & _
                       "VALUES(" & rs!Product & _ 
                       ",'" & Split(aryS(x), "=")(0) & "','" & Split(aryS(x), "=")(1) & "')"
    End Sub

    Code could be modified to write data directly to a table designed with category fields. However, this would not be a strictly normalized structure and major pitfall already mentioned.