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How to get targeted file/folder information when implementing a COM object using IContextMenu interface

I want to customize the menu you get when you right-click on a folder on the windows desktop and windows explorer. As The text displayed by my menu should be dynamic (depending of the folder path), I implement the IContextMenu interface in a C++ Dll and specify the CLSID and DLL path in my registery.

It works, when the user right click on a folder, the shell call my IContextMenu::QueryContextMenu fonction and I can insert my MENUITEMINFOA struct in the HMENU. Then the user can see it in the context menu.

My question is how to get the folder path the user has right-click on before inserting my MENUITEMINFOA struct in the HMENU So i can adapt what I put in the MENUITEMINFOA.dwTypeData ?

I tried to implement the IShellExtInit interface as it seems the shell can give information using this interface but when I log the call to my dll I see that the shell never call IShellExtInit::Initialize.

I guess the shell give the information via an interface I didn't implement but I found no clue on the documentation. However this seems possible to do as, for example, TortoiseSVN do it : the context menu show "SVN Checkout..." on some folder and "SVN Update" / "SVN Commit..." on some others.

I wish you a nice day :)


  • Problem Solved

    The shell do ask for a IShellExtInit just after asking for a IContextMenu. I was just confuse by the fact that StringFromIID and COMView don't know the IID of these interfaces (but thanks to @SimonMourier's tool, I could confirm the IID the shell asked was these interfaces).

    The (main) issue was I didn't cast my object to the interface asked (I though it wasn't needed as long as my object expose the right methods). When I static_cast my object on the IShellExtInit interface when asked for, the shell do call IShellExtInit::Initialize.