I'm trying to make ChartSheets in Excel from a datasheet; I managed to make the charts, but some of the charts don't change style and are title-less. This is the code that makes the charts and uses the ChartWizard to change their format:
Excel.Chart[] GráficasFrecuenciaGanancia = new Excel.Chart[numberOfTables];
//Para trabajar con cada gráfica.
for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfTables; i++)
GráficasFrecuenciaGanancia[i - 1] = currentWorkbook.Charts.Add(Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing); //Colocamos una hoja de trabajo para gráficas y la asignamos al objeto.
if (GráficasFrecuenciaGanancia[i-1] == null)
MessageBox.Show("Error", "Null found");
GráficasFrecuenciaGanancia[i - 1].ChartWizard(
Gallery: XlChartType.xlLineMarkers,
PlotBy: XlRowCol.xlColumns,
CategoryLabels: 45,
SeriesLabels: 5,
HasLegend: true,
Title: allTheCells.Item[1 + ((i - 1) * 54), 1].Value2,
CategoryTitle: "Frecuencias (Hz)",
ValueTitle: "Ganancias (dB)",
ExtraTitle: "Extra"
Then, I decided to change their style manually (and it worked), but changing the title gives an exception; the exception happens when it tries to change the title of GráficasFrecuenciaGanancia[13]
GráficasFrecuenciaGanancia[i - 1].ChartType = XlChartType.xlLineMarkers;
GráficasFrecuenciaGanancia[i-1].HasTitle = true;
Excel.ChartTitle TítuloGráfica = null;
TítuloGráfica = GráficasFrecuenciaGanancia[i - 1].ChartTitle;
TítuloGráfica.Text = allTheCells.Item[1 + ((i - 1) * 54), 1].Value2; //This is the line that gives the exception.
This is the exception: (0x80004005 (E_FAIL))" - System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException
It is weird, because the line that gives the exception doesn't cause any problem with the previous charts, and I also delete all the charts before running the code.
Just for the record, I solved the issue trimming the string, the string was 260 characters long, and it had a lot of escape characters (tabs, returns and new lines). It seems like there is a limit to the characters that can be assigned to the .Text
property, I don't know if the limit is in characters or in points, but that's how I solved the issue.