A couple of months ago I asked a question on how to render a custom dynamic table based on a given JSON object returned from an API. Here is the link for the question I asked before: Rendering a custom table in Vuejs
And the solution that I employed is effectively what has been posted as a response to my question. What I'm looking for now is to render multiple tables on the same page in a similar fashion.
The json object would look like this:
"id": 1,
"enabled": true,
"headers": [
"id": 1,
"header_name": "LastName",
"colVal": [{ "id": 1, "value": "Hopper" }
{ "id": 3, "value": "Lovelace"}]
"id": 2,
"header_name": "FirstName",
"colVal": [{ "id": 1, "value": "Grace" }
{ "id": 4, "value": "Ada" }]
"id": 2,
"enabled": true,
"headers": [
"id": 1,
"header_name": "Age",
"colVal": [{ "id": 1, "value": 22 }
{ "id": 3, "value": 31}]
"id": 2,
"header_name": "Phone Number",
"colVal": [{ "id": 1, "value": 123-456 }
{ "id": 4, "value": 789-543 }]
The two tables that I want to get out of this json object are:
LastName | FirstName |
Hopper | Grace |
Lovelace | Ada |
Age | Phone Number |
22 | 123-456 |
31 | 789-543 |
Create a component for one table based on your solution before and and then iterate over your array with v-for
<div v-for="table in tables">
<my-table :data="table" />
Here is it
const { createApp, ref, computed } = Vue;
const tables =
"id": 1,
"enabled": true,
"headers": [
"id": 1,
"header_name": "LastName",
"colVal": [ { "id": 1, "value": "Hopper" } ]
"id": 2,
"header_name": "FirstName",
"colVal": [ { "id": 1, "value": "Grace" } ]
"id": 2,
"enabled": true,
"headers": [
"id": 1,
"header_name": "LastName",
"colVal": [
{ "id": 1, "value": "Hopper" },
{ "id": 3, "value": "Lovelace" }
"id": 2,
"header_name": "FirstName",
"colVal": [
{ "id": 2, "value": "Grace" },
{ "id": 4, "value": "Ada" }
const MyTable = {
props: ['data'],
setup(props) {
const headers = computed(()=>{
return props.data?.headers.map(h => ({header:h.header_name, id:h.id}))
const rows = computed(()=>{
let rowData = [];
props.data?.headers.forEach(h => {
let key = h.header_name
h.colVal.forEach((r, i) => {
if(!rowData[i]) {rowData[i] = {id:i}}
rowData[i][key] = r.value
return rowData
return { headers, rows }
template: '#my-table-template'
const App = {
components: { MyTable },
setup(props) {
return { tables }
const app = createApp(App)
#app { line-height: 2; }
[v-cloak] { display: none; }
table, th, td { border: 1px solid lightgrey; }
th { background-color: lightgrey; }
th, td { text-align: center; width: 1%;}
<div id="app" v-cloak>
<div v-for="table in tables">
<my-table :data="table"></my-table><br/>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue@3/dist/vue.global.prod.js"></script>
<script type="text/x-template" id="my-table-template">
<table v-if="headers">
<th v-for="{header, id} in headers" :key="id">{{header}}</th>
<tr v-for="row in rows" :key="row.id">
<td v-for="{header, id} in headers">
{{ row[header] }}