I am very new to Wordpress and I am very new to Gutenberg Blocks. I have created some simple blocks using the npm Gutenburg generator. In my package.json file I have created the following attributes in my package.json file
"attributes": {
"quote": {
"type": "string"
"source": {
"type": "string"
In my edit.js file I have the following block stucture
export default function Edit(props) {
return (
<div { ...useBlockProps() } className="testimonial">
<div className="testimonial__wrapper">
<div className="testimonial__header">
<i className="testimonial__quote__left"></i>
onChange={(content) => props.setAttributes({ quote: content })}
placeholder='Enter Quote'
<i className="testimonial__quote__right"></i>
onChange={(content) => props.setAttributes({source: content })}
placeholder='Enter Quotee / Source'
and this is my save function in the save.js file
export default function save(props) {
return (
<div className="testimonial">
<div className="testimonial__wrapper">
<div className="testimonial__header">
<i className="testimonial__quote__left"></i>
<RichText.Content tagName="blockquote" value={ props.attributes.quote } />
<i className="testimonial__quote__right"></i>
<RichText.Content tagName="figcaption" value={ props.attributes.source } />
When I add my custom block into the editor it works great. Should I update and then view my page that includes the block it works! However should I refresh or reload the editor that contains my block I get the following error:
Block validation: Block validation failed for `create-block/einzweidinge-testimonial` ({name: 'create-block/einzweidinge-testimonial', icon: {…}, keywords: Array(0), attributes: {…}, providesContext: {…}, …}).
Content generated by `save` function:
<div class="testimonial"><div class="testimonial__wrapper"><div class="testimonial__header"><i class="testimonial__quote__left"></i><blockquote></blockquote><i class="testimonial__quote__right"></i><figcaption></figcaption></div></div></div>
Content retrieved from post body:
<div class="testimonial"><div class="testimonial__wrapper"><div class="testimonial__header"><i class="testimonial__quote__left"></i><blockquote>ffff</blockquote><i class="testimonial__quote__right"></i><figcaption>fffff</figcaption></div></div></div>
I have noticed that should I add a block and not input any data to the RichText components the validation error is not raised! I am not sure if this helps solve the issue but I also see the following warning in the console.
blocks.min.js?ver=69022aed79bfd45b3b1d:10 Block validation: Expected token of type `EndTag` ({type: 'EndTag', tagName: 'blockquote'}), instead saw `Chars` ({type: 'Chars', chars: 'ffff'}).
I am stumped here and unsure what I am doing wrong? I've been looking into this for a couple of hours! Any help or guidence would be appreciated.
** UPDATE **
When inspecting the error in the editor I have noticed that word press seems to add extra content - in this case p
I finally worked out the issue, the problem was that I was defining my "attributes" object in the package.json file and not the block.json file!