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How to retrieve cloudwatch metrics older than 3 hours

I try to work with custom CloudWatch Metrics. Pushing metrics thorugh aws-go-sdk-v2 works fine but I have an issue working with the metrics in the web UI. My workload only runs every once every 24h but in the web ui I can only query for metrics in the last 3h hours it seems. also says Currently, you can query only the most recent three hours of data.

Do I have to post process the data somehow to get a historical view of the data? Since I can set the graph to 1w time window I suspect there must be a way to achieve this. Any ideas what I am missing?


  • If you need to retrieve your metrics using CloudWatch Metrics Insights, please note that currently we only support receiving no more than 3 hours of your data.

    Since you need to search metric names and retrieve data for an interval longer than 3 hours, I would recommend using the regular search syntax, or plot your metrics individually.