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clang-format always indent struct initiallizers

i have a very strange behavior with my current .clang-format file.

here is the file:

BasedOnStyle: LLVM
ColumnLimit: 200
IndentWidth: 4
UseTab: Always
TabWidth: 4
BreakBeforeBraces: Linux

considering this example C code it will format it as expected:

struct foo {
    char a;
    int b;

static const struct foo data[] = {
    {'a', 1},
    {'b', 2},
    {'c', 3},

however if i add an empty {} element in my array, clang-format will put the complete array initialization in one line:

struct foo {
    char a;
    int b;

static const struct foo data[] = {{'a', 1}, {'b', 2}, {'c', 3}, {}};

is there a way to tell clang-format to allow an empty element in a line and to correctly format the code as in the first example?


as Nullndr suggested adding a traling , will get clang-format to create the right formatting.

however lets rephrase the question: is there a way to tell clang-format to do the formatting correct even without trailing ,?

EDIT2: it seems this is a bug in clang-format. i reported it here:


  • Sadly, even with version 15 this is still not possible and there is nothing about this on the docs.

    This is not a problem just with arrays, but with structs too, take a look:

    static const struct foo data = {'a', 1}; // see the missing `,`

    If you put a comma, it correctly indent the struct:

    static const struct foo data = {
      1, // see the trailing `,` 

    Here on SO there are a lot of responses about this, see here for example.

    Another trick is to put a comment at the end of the row:

    static const struct foo data[] = {
      {'a', 1}, //
      {'b', 2}, //
      {'c', 3}  //

    I never used this since I find it ugly