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GraphQL/Relay - How to pass a mutation's input variable into a query on the mutation response?

Given a mutation like this (see how nextArticle needs an ID passing):

mutation markArticleCompleteMutation(
    $input: markArticleCompleteInput!
) {
    markArticleComplete(input: $input) {
        user {
            nextArticle(excludeArticleId: $excludeArticleId) {

// Input looks like:

  "input": {"completedId": "id123"}

how can I pass this from one of the input props?

I'd ideally like to write something like nextArticle(excludeArticleId: $input.completedId) but this doesn't seem to work


  • AFAIK you cannot access it like this. You have to define a separate variable and use it.

    Notice the excludeArticleId is added to the list of variables of your document and it is defined separately in the variables map.

    mutation markArticleCompleteMutation(
        $input: markArticleCompleteInput!,
        $excludeArticleId: String!
    ) {
        markArticleComplete(input: $input) {
            user {
                nextArticle(excludeArticleId: $excludeArticleId) {

    Then the variables should be like this:

        "input": {"completedId": "id123"},
        "excludeArticleId": "id123"