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OrbitControls - how to make the camera look the opposite way

I'm using react-three-fiber with OrbitControls to display a textured sphere with a backside material. I want my camera to orbit inside that sphere and around it's center. OrbitControls does that just fine, but it always points at the target which is in the center. I want it to point in exact opposite direction (to the outside) while keeping all the features of OrbitControls

<Canvas camera={{ fov: 45, position: [1, 0, 0] }}>
  <Suspense fallback={null}>
      <sphereGeometry args={[110, 32, 32]} attach="geometry" />
      <meshBasicMaterial side={BackSide}>
          stops={[0, 0.45, 0.5, 0.55, 1]}
          colors={['red', 'green', 'black', 'blue', 'pink']}
      <OrbitControls target={[0, 0, 0]} enableZoom={false} reverseOrbit={true}/>

Right now I'm using something like this and it looks ok, but I don't have the ability to zoom in a proper way.


  • Ok, so for anyone who might stumble upon similar issue - don't do it like this. I actually managed to achieve this by wrapping OrbitControls in a component and using useFrame:

    function Controls() {
      const controlsRef = useRef<OrbitControlsImpl>(null);
      useFrame(({ gl, scene, camera }) => {
        if (!controlsRef.current) {
        const { x, y, z } = controlsRef.current.object.position
        camera.lookAt(x * 2, y * 2, z * 2)
        gl.render(scene, camera)
      }, 1);
      return <OrbitControls
        target={[0, 0, 0]}

    But then I got my wheel and horizontal panning reversed and couldn't find a way to work around it. Eventually, the optimal solution was to switch to a PerspectiveCamera, disable zoom for OrbitControls and writing my own wheel handler that used camera.zoom property:

    const { camera, gl: { domElement } } = useThree();
    function handleWheel(this, ev) {
        let newZoom = camera.zoom + -1*(ev.deltaY/1000)
        if(newZoom < 1) newZoom = 1
        if(newZoom > 10) newZoom = 10
        camera.zoom = newZoom
    domElement.addEventListener("wheel", handleWheel);