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Azure App Service - Bicep - Always On property not working

I'm trying to configure AlwaysOn to true for a Function App hosted in Dedicated App Service (with Basic Pricing tier). using the below options using Bicep

  1. using alwayson: true in the properties/siteConfig config section
  2. Created a child resource with "config" type

Both of the options are not working. Below is the Bicep code.

resource azureFunction 'Microsoft.Web/sites@2020-12-01' = {
  name: pFunctionAppName
  location: pLocation
  kind: 'functionapp'
  properties: {
    serverFarmId: pServerFarmId
    siteConfig: {
      //Removed rest of the code for brevity
      alwaysOn: true

Update: The code works perfectly. I was running incorrect file. My apologies.


  • Summarizing the answer from comment discussion op has confirmed that feature is working fine they have deployed incorrect file.

    To test reproduce this behavior, I have written an sample bicep template here to create function app that runs on linux app service plan with run time as Java on dedicated app service plan.

    Sample Bicep template:

    @description('The name of your application')
    param applicationName string
    @description('The environment (dev, test, prod, ...')
    param environment string = 'dev'
    @description('The number of this specific instance')
    param instanceNumber string = '001'
    @description('The Azure region where all resources in this example should be created')
    param location string
    var appServicePlanName = 'plan-${applicationName}-${environment}-${instanceNumber}'
    resource storageAccount 'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts@2019-06-01' = {
      name: 'stf${take(applicationName,4)}${instanceNumber}'
      location: location
      kind: 'StorageV2'
      sku: {
        name: 'Standard_LRS'
    resource hostingPlan 'Microsoft.Web/serverfarms@2020-10-01' = {
      name: appServicePlanName
      location: location
      kind: 'dedicated'
      properties: {
        reserved: true
      sku: {
        name: 'B1'
        tier : 'Basic'
    resource functionApp 'Microsoft.Web/sites@2020-06-01' = {
      name: 'app-${applicationName}-${environment}-${instanceNumber}'
      location: location
      kind: 'functionapp,linux'
      properties: {
        httpsOnly: true
        clientAffinityEnabled: false
        siteConfig: {
          linuxFxVersion: 'java|11'
          appSettings: [
            // {
            //   value:
            // }
              name: 'AzureWebJobsStorage'
              value: 'DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=${};EndpointSuffix=${az.environment()};AccountKey=${listKeys(, storageAccount.apiVersion).keys[0].value}'
              value: '~4'
              name: 'FUNCTIONS_WORKER_RUNTIME'
              value: 'java'
              value: 'DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=${};EndpointSuffix=${az.environment()};AccountKey=${listKeys(, storageAccount.apiVersion).keys[0].value}'
              name: 'WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE'
              value: '1'
    output application_url string =[0]

    Post the deployment we are able to see that always on is enabled refer to the below screenshots attached here.

    enter image description here