Search code examples

Search function in PowerPoint doesn't recognise End If-block and For-blocks

I am trying to program code that basically works similarly to the Ctrl+F-search menu in Powerpoint. In this presentation, I have multiple profiles of different projects. Activating the macro should open a menu that allows you to input a search term which is scanned for on every slide in the presentation. The same term could be on multiple slides, for example if it is the name of the project leader.

I have written code which scans every slide and shape and then should select the text using the TextRange.find command. The problem is that after the first Exit Do command, the macro doesn't recognise any other End If, Next or Exit Do command. My code is as follows:

Sub Searchfunction()

    Dim TagObject As String
    Dim TexRng As TextRange
    Dim TexFrm As TextFrame
    Dim sld As Object
    Dim shp As Object
    Dim foundText As Object
    Dim Check As Boolean, Counter As Long
    Check = True
        TagObject= InputBox("What are you searching for?")
    For Each sld In Application.ActivePresentation.Slides
        For Each shp In sld.Shapes
            If shp.HasTextFrame Then
                Set TexRng = shp.TextFrame.TextRange
                Set foundText = TexRng.Find(TagObject)
                    Do While Not (foundText Is Nothing)
                        With foundText.Select
                        End With
                        Check = MsgBox("Continue search?", vbYesNo)
                        If Check = False Then GoTo SearchEnd
                    Exit Do
            End If
Exit Do
MsgBox ("End of search, no further results.")


End Sub

Commenting out any End If still hands out the error message "End If without If-block" or "Next without for" despite there being an If, two Fors and a Do. How do I get VBA to recognise these blocks again?


  • The code now works as intended and selects the slide which the search object is on. My final code looks as follows:

    Option Explicit
    Sub Searchfunction()
        Dim TagObject As String
        Dim TexRng As TextRange
        Dim TexFrm As TextFrame
        Dim sld As Object
        Dim shp As Object
        Dim foundText As Object
        Dim Check As Boolean
        Dim Counter As Long
        Counter = 1
        Check = True
            TagObject= InputBox("What are you searching for?")
        For Each sld In Application.ActivePresentation.Slides
            For Each shp In sld.Shapes
                If shp.HasTextFrame Then
                    Set TexRng = shp.TextFrame.TextRange
                    Set foundText = TexRng.Find(TagObject)
                        While Not (foundText Is Nothing)
                            Check = MsgBox("Continue Search?", vbYesNo)
                            If Check = False Then GoTo SearchEnd
                            Set foundText = Nothing
                End If
            Counter = Counter + 1
    MsgBox ("End of search, no further results.")
    End Sub

    If you want to search something while doing a presentation you need to replace the line ActivePresentation.Slides(Counter).Select with ActivePresentation.SlideShowWindow.View.GotoSlide(Counter).