For the love of me, I don't understand why this does not work:
x = c(3, 5, 3, 100, 5, -9, 10, 24)
x_summary <- summary(x)
x_names <- names(x_summary)
x_summary <- unname(x_summary)
xdf <- data.frame(Statistics = x_names, Value = x_summary)
I thought the named vector from using summary()
was the issue at first. But I don't understand why this yields the error: Error in dimnames(x) <- dnx : 'dimnames' applied to non-array
is of type "summaryDefault" "table"
which seems to provide difficulties for data.frame
. Either covert the class, e.g. as.numeric(x_summary)
or use other packages, e.g. summary(x) |> broom::tidy()
. Note that tibble::tibble(Statistics = x_names, Value = x_summary)
provides the dataframe you are looking for, but be careful with the class of x_summary
data.frame(Statistics = x_names, Value = as.numeric(x_summary))
Statistics Value
1 Min. -9.000
2 1st Qu. 3.000
3 Median 5.000
4 Mean 17.625
5 3rd Qu. 13.500
6 Max. 100.000