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Strong password for SQL Server doesn't follow the documentation

I'm installing a new instance of SQL Server Express with mixed mode for access. The password I'm setting is Abcd1234(). According to the docs for strong password guidelines, it's supposed to be valid if it consists of more than 8 of the following:

  • uppercase letters,
  • lowercase letters,
  • numbers, and
  • non-alphanumeric characters.

My entry satisfies all of the above. Yet, I can't proceed as the validation claims violated rules for strong passwords.

The specified sa password does not meet strong password requirements. For more information about strong password requirements, see "Database Engine Configuration - Account Provisioning" in Setup Help or in SQL Server 2019 Books Online.

What am I missing?


  • I was having the same problem.

    I didn't find any information titled "Database Engine Configuration - Account Provisioning" in the official Microsoft SQL Server documentation, as mentioned in the error message. So I still don't know what SQL Server's strong password rules are.

    But from what I've gathered, when one is connected to a domain, the password you enter must meet the domain's strong password rules. In my case, it requires a password of at least 14 characters in addition to containing numbers, letters, and symbols. When I entered a password that met those requirements, it was finally accepted.

    Obviously, your domain may have different password rules.