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How to figure out which resource to enter in Google Cloud Policy troubleshooter?

I'd like to give a colleague permission via IAM on a Google Cloud Monitoring resource. He send me the error message

Error loading /monitoring/alerting/incidents/[incident id]?project=[project]

and the roles that are necessary to proceed from the error message:


I assume that I can use Policy troubleshooter in order to list the required role I need to assign in IAM, but maybe that's a misunderstanding.

Assuming that can use the troubleshooter, I entered my colleagues e-mail address which is used for Google Cloud login as well as one pair with Permission monitoring.incidents.get. I tried the following for Resource:

/monitoring/alerting/incidents/[incident id]
/monitoring/alerting/incidents/[incident id]?project=[project]
//monitoring/alerting/incidents/[incident id]
//monitoring/alerting/incidents/[incident id]?project=[project]
//[incident id]
//[incident id]?project=[project]

The UI doesn't provide any support in filling out this field nor any feedback in the error message. As far as I understand the docs the full form with is expected.

I don't have logging turned on, so I cannot use the Log explorer as suggested.


  • Google's IAM permissions reference provides a table mapping permissions to the pre-defined roles that contain them.

    This table is searchable, so you should be able to pop in the target permission to find predefined roles that already contain it. Then, you just need to scan through the results looking for a role that makes sense for your use-case. For example:

    screenshot showing roles that grant the stackdriver.projects.get permission

    While this generally works pretty well, I'm actually not seeing any results for monitoring.incidents.get! This is the first permission I've personally come across that was not included in this table -- this feels like a documentation bug to me. Maybe this is also what was giving you grief in the Policy Troubleshooter.

    An alternative to the permissions reference page is to check the "Access control with IAM" documentation for the specific product you're working with. This page will typically list the pre-defined roles that apply to the given product (and the scopes to which those permissions apply).

    In my experience, most Google Cloud products are pretty good about providing this IAM documentation & generally searching for <product> IAM GCP should find the correct page.

    For example, the "Access control with IAM" page for Monitoring can be found at:

    Again though: I'm not seeing any references to the monitoring.incidents.get permission. All I can find (at the time of this writing) is an Incidents section that suggests incidents access control is managed with the basic monitoring.viewer, monitoring.editor, and monitoring.admin roles.

    These roles have worked for me in the past to grant the monitoring.incidents.update permission required to close an incident. If these roles would be too broad for your use-case, you can instead create a custom role.