In a Mac app I am trying to zoom into a section on x axis where a Marker is currently visible.
I am using some logic as per below to figure out the x position:
private func getZoomXPosition() -> CGFloat {
var x = 0.0
if let highlight = self.chartView.highlighted.first {
print("highlight x=\(highlight.x) drawX=\(highlight.drawX)")
let pos = chartView.getMarkerPosition(highlight: highlight)
x = pos.x
print("zoom to x: \(x)")
return x
If a highlight exists (then we have a marker showing at that position)
I am then calling:
self.chartView.zoom(scaleX: 1.5, scaleY: 1.0, x: x, y: 0)
To perform the zoom to that x position. This appears to work mostly except once you get to a certain zoom level the next zoom in appears to zoom to the wrong point.
clicked ChartDataEntry, x: 3125.0, y 393.0
highlight x=3125.0 drawX=286.3808824269045
zoom to x: 286.3808824269045
clicked ChartDataEntry, x: 3125.0, y 393.0
highlight x=3125.0 drawX=272.58693711440446
zoom to x: 272.58693711440446
clicked ChartDataEntry, x: 3125.0, y 393.0
highlight x=3125.0 drawX=262.2414781300295
zoom to x: 262.2414781300295
clicked ChartDataEntry, x: 3125.0, y 393.0
highlight x=3125.0 drawX=258.36193101088895
zoom to x: 258.36193101088895
clicked ChartDataEntry, x: 3125.0, y 393.0
highlight x=3125.0 drawX=259.0893460957275
zoom to x: 259.0893460957275
clicked ChartDataEntry, x: 3125.0, y 393.0
highlight x=3125.0 drawX=258.3391992894881
zoom to x: 258.3391992894881
clicked ChartDataEntry, x: 3125.0, y 393.0
highlight x=3125.0 drawX=260.06219273506895
zoom to x: 260.06219273506895
clicked ChartDataEntry, x: 3125.0, y 393.0
highlight x=3125.0 drawX=252.83369679540647
zoom to x: 252.83369679540647
clicked ChartDataEntry, x: 3125.0, y 393.0
highlight x=3125.0 drawX=303.74376780794955
zoom to x: 303.74376780794955
as you can see by the logs the 9th zoom in always causes the issue.
Update 18 march:
I've updated method above to include the prints.
So I'm finding the current highlighted position on the chart
then I am converting this to the actual point on the chart
chartView.getMarkerPosition(highlight: highlight
and then finally calling
with that x and an x scale factor of 1.5.
It works fine up until the 8th level zooming in (by clicking a zoom in button). the 9th one always zooms into the wrong part of the chart.
There are a bunch of zoom
functions in ChartViewBase
, and I've had trouble wrapping my head around all of them, so I've only been using one particular one and writing helper functions to call it the way I prefer. Hopefully this will work correctly for you:
func zoomToPosition(
_ position: CGPoint,
xMultiplier: Double,
yMultiplier: Double,
axis: YAxis.AxisDependency
) {
// position is a pixel location.
// valuePosition is the corresponding value in the chart for the pixel
let valuePosition = chartView.valueForTouchPoint(point: position, axis: axis)
// the version of `zoom` that we'll call seems to work best with
// x and y scales calculated manually rather than using the built-in
let newXScale = chartView.viewPortHandler.scaleX * xMultiplier
let newYScale = chartView.viewPortHandler.scaleY * yMultiplier
chartView.zoom(scaleX: newXScale, scaleY: newYScale, xValue: valuePosition.x, yValue: valuePosition.y, axis: axis)
I just tried using this code to zoom in on my existing project, and it works well beyond ten iterations.
Here's how I can see it being used in your case:
let xPos = getZoomXPosition()
let zoomPos = CGPoint(x: xPos, y: 0.0)
zoomToPosition(zoomPos, xMultiplier: 1.4, yMultiplier: 1.0, axis: .left)
Fingers crossed that this will work :-)