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Spring WebFlux WebSocket client doesn't receive data

I made a reactive app with the following endpoints:

public HandlerMapping handlerMapping() {
    Map<String, WebSocketHandler> map = new HashMap<>();
    map.put("/path", new WsReceiverHandler());
    map.put("/out", new WsSenderHandler());
    int order = -1; // before annotated controllers

    return new SimpleUrlHandlerMapping(map, order);

I try to connect to it with the following code in another application:

public void wsClientHandler(){
    WebSocketClient client = new ReactorNettyWebSocketClient();

    URI url = URI.create("ws://localhost:8080/out");
    client.execute(url, session ->

It doesn't receive data. However, I can get data from this endpoint in Insomnia and using Pie Socket addon in a web browser.


  • The following code works:

    public void wsClientHandler() {
        URI url = URI.create("ws://localhost:8080/out");
        ReactorNettyWebSocketClient client = new ReactorNettyWebSocketClient();
        WsReceiverHandler wsReceiverHandler = new WsReceiverHandler();
        client.execute(url, wsReceiverHandler).subscribe();