Search code examples

MongoDB: How to add a condition on addToSet field

I am using the following MongoDB aggregation to get number of articles for each day and the number of unique pinned articles :

        $match: {
            date: { $lt: myDate },
            article: { $in: articles }
        $group: {
            _id: { $dateToString: { format: "%Y-%m-%d", date: "$date" } },
            nbArticles: { $sum: 1 },
            distinctPinnedArticles: {
                $cond: {
                    if: { $eq: ['$isPinned', 1] },
                    then: { $addToSet: "$articleID" },
                    else: null

        $project: {
            _id: 0,
            nbArticles: 1,
            distinctPinnedArticlesLength: { $size: { $setUnion: ["$distinctPinnedArticles"] } }

I know the condition does not work like this in MongoDB, I just want to illustrate what i want. The idea is to apply to first filter on nbArticles and then add a new filter isPinned == 1 to count the distinct articleIDs, I don't want to use facet because i am dealing with a huge number of data, so the facet can't handle a BSON with size > 16bytes.

The expected output :

        nbArticles: 1000,
        distinctPinnedArticles: 500
        nbArticles: 600,
        distinctPinnedArticles: 300
        nbArticles: 1300,
        distinctPinnedArticles: 800
        nbArticles: 70,
        distinctPinnedArticles: 40

Sample data:

    _id: ObjectId("6146b91a4e98146bfba070a9"),
    article: 'article1',
    articleID: 'article_1',
    isPinned: 0,
    date: ISODate("2022-02-15T18:24:37.000Z")
}, {
    _id: ObjectId("6146b95c4e98146bfba070aa"),
    article: 'article2',
    articleID: 'article_2',
    isPinned: 0,
    date: ISODate("2021-12-01T10:45:22.000Z")

    , {
    _id: ObjectId("6146b9834e98146bfba070ab"),
    article: 'article1',
    articleID: 'article_3',
    isPinned: 1,
    date: ISODate("2022-01-05T08:12:59.000Z")

    , {
    _id: ObjectId("6146b9ae4e98146bfba070ac"),
    article: 'article2',
    articleID: 'article_4',
    isPinned: 0,
    date: ISODate("2021-11-10T14:30:45.000Z")

    , {
    _id: ObjectId("6146b9d54e98146bfba070ad"),
    article: 'article1',
    articleID: 'article_5',
    isPinned: 1,
    date: ISODate("2022-03-01T09:51:02.000Z")

    , {
    _id: ObjectId("6146ba014e98146bfba070ae"),
    article: 'article3',
    articleID: 'article_6',
    isPinned: 1,
    date: ISODate("2021-12-20T16:08:31.000Z")

    , {
    _id: ObjectId("6146ba2b4e98146bfba070af"),
    article: 'article2',
    articleID: 'article_7',
    isPinned: 1,
    date: ISODate("2022-01-25T12:57:09.000Z")

    , {
    _id: ObjectId("6146ba544e98146bfba070b0"),
    article: 'article3',
    articleID: 'article_8',
    isPinned: 1,
    date: ISODate("2022-02-10T17:39:18.000Z")

    , {
    _id: ObjectId("6146ba7c4e98146bfba070b1"),
    article: 'article1',
    articleID: 'article_9',
    isPinned: 0,
    date: ISODate("2021-11-30T08:20:57.000Z")

Thank you in advance.


  • What about this one:

          $group: {
             _id: { $dateTrunc: { date: "$date", unit: "day" } },
             nbArticles: { $sum: 1 },
             distinctPinnedArticles: {
                $addToSet: {
                   $let: {
                      vars: {
                         pinnedArticleID: {
                            $cond: {
                               if: { $eq: ['$isPinned', 1] },
                               then: "$articleID",
                               else: null
                      in: "$$pinnedArticleID"
          $set: {
             distinctPinnedArticles: {
                $filter: {
                   input: "$distinctPinnedArticles",
                   cond: "$$this"