I am seeing a warning message in Android Studio when I use the Picasso library in my Android project. The warning message says
A newer version of com.squareup.picasso:picasso than 2.8 is available: 2.71828
even though version 2.8 is the latest official version according to the official Picasso version history.
I have already tried adding the latest version of Picasso to my Gradle build file using the following line:implementation 'com.squareup.picasso:picasso:2.8'
I found in Picasso's version history that version 2.71828 was published 5 years ago and version 2.8 was published 2 years ago.
I have also tried cleaning and rebuilding my project, but the warning message still persists.
This issue has already been discussed on GitHub. It is said there:
Updated Picasso version 2.71828 to 2.8. Now Android Lint complains that there is a newer version 2.71828 available. Which is true in semantic versioning sense since 71828 > 8.
One can suppress the GradleDependency lint check for the library to get rid of the warning. However, I would find it better if version number components were monotonically increasing instead.
Android Studio often gives such false suggestions. No need to worry about it.
But you can remove the warning. If you want to suppress it, write this line:
//noinspection GradleDependency
The complete code will look like this:
//noinspection GradleDependency
implementation 'com.squareup.picasso:picasso:2.8'