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Access Exception thrown during NonBlocking retry in DltHandler

I want to know if it is possible to get hold of the original exception thrown in the @KafkaListener method during DLT Processing, i.e in @DltHandler method.

For example, I have a method like this

@KafkaListener(topics = "message", groupId = "1")
@RetryableTopic(attempts = "3", backoff = @Backoff(value = 3000L))
public void readMessages(@Payload String message) {
     // Some exception is thrown here

I have a Dlt handler in the same class like this

public void processDltMessages(String message) {
    // I want to have a custom logic based on the exception thrown. 
    // How to know the exception thrown in the original method.


  • The original exception object is not available, but information about the exception is available in message headers; either consume Message<String> msg in the DLT handler (and use msg.getHeaders.get(...)) or extract the headers individually, as shown in this question

    void handler(String message,
            @Header(KafkaHeaders.ORIGINAL_OFFSET) byte[] offset,
            @Header(KafkaHeaders.EXCEPTION_FQCN) String descException,
            @Header(KafkaHeaders.EXCEPTION_STACKTRACE) String stacktrace,
            @Header(KafkaHeaders.EXCEPTION_MESSAGE) String errorMessage) {