I am generating a NuGet package from a C# project. I want to be able to set suffixes on my NuGet package names, such as MyProject-1.0.0--staging and MyProject-1.0.0--development.
Merely renaming the .nupkg file is not enough, because the name is apparently baked into it.
I have tried to set the --version-suffix argument to dotnet pack, but this value gets ignored. This is possibly because I am also using GitVersion. My dotnet pack command looks like this:
dotnet pack . \
-c:Release \
--no-build \
--no-restore \
-p:UseGitVersion=true \
-p:CIBuild=true \
-p:PackageOutputPath='${{ github.workspace }}/${{ env.nugetPackOutputDir }}' \
-v:minimal \
--version-suffix '-${{ env.environment }}'
I have read that --version-suffix gets ignored if my CSPROJ file contains a tag. I do not have such a tag, but perhaps GitVersion generates one at compile-time.
My CSPROJ contains this:
<PackageReference Include="GitVersion.MsBuild" Version="5.12.0">
<IncludeAssets>runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive</IncludeAssets>
How can I set a suffix on my NuGet package name - either with a parameter to dotnet pack or in my GitVersion.yml or elsewhere?
I can see that the GitVersion variables contain a variable called PreReleaseLabel, but I cannot find out whether and how I can set the value of this variable.
I turns out that I can set the suffix by putting this in my GitVersion.yml:
source-branches: [ 'master' ]
tag: '{BranchName}developmentsuffix'
tag: 'mastersuffix'