I create a reactive and editable matrix with dataTable in the shiny flex dashboard but when I try to save it as a CSV file it's empty
### Chart A
numericInput("num_hos", "Number of hospitals:", value = 2)
numericInput("num_qua", "Number of quantities:", value = 2)
actionButton("create", "Create an empty Matrix")
Column {data-width=350}
### Chart C
data <- eventReactive(input$create,{
matrix(nrow = input$num_hos+2,ncol = input$num_qua+1)
renderDataTable(data(),server = T,editable=list(target = "column"),
extensions = 'Buttons',options = list(dom = 'Blfrtip',buttons=c('copy', 'csv', 'excel', 'pdf', 'print'),
lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),
The code below works, but I use editable = list(target = "cell")
, because I didn't manage with "column"
: I don't know how to validate the edits (with "cell"
I just click somewhere).
title: "Untitled"
output: flexdashboard::flex_dashboard
date: "2023-03-20"
runtime: shiny_prerendered
```{r, context='setup', include=FALSE}
### Chart A
height = 600, flex = c(NA, 1),
numericInput("num_hos", "Number of hospitals:", value = 2),
numericInput("num_qua", "Number of quantities:", value = 2),
actionButton("create", "Create an empty Matrix")
DTOutput("dtable", height = "100%")
Column {data-width=350}
### Chart C
```{r, context='server'}
dat <- NULL
data <- eventReactive(input$create, {
dat <<- matrix(nrow = input$num_hos+2, ncol = input$num_qua+1)
output[["dtable"]] <- renderDT({
editable = list(target = "cell"),
extensions = "Buttons",
options = list(
dom = 'Blfrtip',
buttons=c('copy', 'csv', 'excel', 'pdf', 'print'),
lengthMenu = list(c(10, 25, 50, -1), c(10, 25, 50, "All"))
proxy <- dataTableProxy("dtable")
observeEvent(input[["dtable_cell_edit"]], {
dat <<- editData(dat, input[["dtable_cell_edit"]], proxy, rownames = FALSE)