I have downloaded a program from Github a Ubuntu/Python program to produce Talkie voice files (LPC) from Audio .wav files. https://github.com/berrak/wav-files-to-arduino-talkie-lpc#python-language-installation But the problem is that I have to manually do it from the CLI, as it only allows one file to be processed at a time. I have at least 43 files to do, so this is SLOW.
I would like to put this into a python script that calls the CLI repeatedly with a list of files names attached to the CLI.
I have no control over the arguments given in the command line.
The CLI is python3 python_wizard -S -T tms5220 -f arduino ae.wav >> wavelpc.h
I need to change the ae.wav file to the files I need to process in the script. I am quite happy to repeat the same command in the script, and manually change the file name to what it should be, but this does not work in python. But I have tried some suggestions on various websites, but to no avail. I have no programming experience in Python, so I am a bit lost!
I tried the Rumpy process, and the import sys, subprocess to no avail. It just comes up with errors I don't understand.
I have found the answer which is to use a BASH script. The Original advice from the author was to include some python commands at the beginning, but when I stripped these out, the CLI line now works and takes each file name and executes the call to python_wizard, updating the file and then executing the next command The command is in the form of
python3 /home/stephena/python_wizard/python_wizard -S -T tms5220 -f arduino ae.wav >> wavelpc.h
I changed the filename of the .wav file on each line.
The >>
adds to the file rather overwriting it.
The File name is Fredall.sh
and to execute it I change directory to the python_wizard directory and run the following command
bash Fredall.sh