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How can I have runtime calculated DefaultValue for a [CommandOption]?

I am using spectre.console. I have the following CommandSettings:

public class LogCommandSettings : CommandSettings
    [Description("Path and file name for logging")]
    public string LogFile { get; set; }

I can set the default value for a CommandOption using [DefaultValue] attribute. However this case I would like to calculate the default path runtime, say the current user's temp folder

Sure, I can do this somewhere in the application, but how will be its actual default value will be displayed by the built in help?


  • You can try looking into implementing ParameterValueProviderAttribute:

    class MyDynamicParameterValueProviderAttribute : ParameterValueProviderAttribute
        public override bool TryGetValue(CommandParameterContext context, out object? result)
            result = context.Value ?? "some generated dynamic value";
            return true;
    public class LogCommandSettings : CommandSettings
        [Description("Path and file name for logging")]
        public string LogFile { get; set; }