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Stub a function inside a function without passing it as an argument

I have the following code:

const {compose} = require('./compose');

const complicatedFunction = async function (argA, argB) {
    const result = await getValue(argA)
    const value = await getValue2(argB)
    const composition = compose(result, value)
    return composition

I am calling the complicatedFunction to test the "validator" function. To test the validator function, I must stub the compose function to make it return whatever I want.

It would be easy to stub it and pass it as an argument, but it is not an option. How can stub compose to make it return any value? I know that proxyquire allows to mock dependencies but I don't understand how could I insert it in that situation


  • Try:


    const { compose } = require('./compose');
    const complicatedFunction = (argA, argB) => {
      const result = 1;
      const value = 2;
      const composition = compose(result, value);
      return composition;
    module.exports = complicatedFunction;


    module.exports = {
      compose() {},


    const proxyquire = require('proxyquire');
    const sinon = require('sinon');
    describe('75761657', () => {
      it('should pass', () => {
        const composeStub = sinon.stub().withArgs(1, 2).returns(100);
        const complicatedFunction = proxyquire('./complicatedFunction', {
          './compose': {
            compose: composeStub,
        const actual = complicatedFunction();
        sinon.assert.match(actual, 100);