I've noticed that installing the openshift-gitops
operator in ArgoCD also adds a link to Argo in the console's application(?) menu. Is there a way I can add my own links to this menu?
Just researched this myself - you need to make a ConsoleLink resource following the instructions here: https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.9/web_console/customizing-the-web-console.html#creating-custom-links_customizing-web-console
Here's an example:
apiVersion: console.openshift.io/v1
kind: ConsoleLink
name: application-menu-link-1
href: 'https://www.example.com'
location: ApplicationMenu
text: Link 1
section: My New Section
# image that is 24x24 in size
imageURL: https://via.placeholder.com/24