I have added some logs to understand the control flow inside a coroutine. When I call the getNode() method of my ViewModel class I can see the logs in the following order-
print 1
print 2
print 5
print 3
Everything looks good till this point but the log to print 3 never get executed. Any idea why the control flow is not reaching the last line of the getNotes() method?
Here is the getNode() method inside ViewModel class-
private fun getNotes() {
Log.d("","print 1")
viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
Log.d("","print 2")
getNotesUserCase().collectLatest {
_notesStateFlow.value = it
Log.d("","print 3")
Log.d("","print 4")
Here is the GetNotesUserCase class-
class GetNotesUserCase @Inject constructor(private val dataRepository: DataRepository) {
suspend operator fun invoke(): Flow<List<Note>> {
Log.d("","print 5")
return dataRepository.getNotes().transform { noteEntityList ->
emit(noteEntityList.map { it.toNote() })
I'm guessing dataRepository.getNotes()
is a shared flow (or something similar) that never terminates. This means getNotesUserCase()
will never terminate which in turn means the collectLatest
will never return so this is expected behavior.