As of macOS Monterey it is possible to select text in images in Preview.
Is this OCR functionality available from AppleScript and/or JXA (JavaScript for Automation)?
In Script
File > Open dictionary... I selected the and looked at the API for Standard Suite and Text Suite but there doesn't seem to be anything related to OCR. (The Text Suite apparently has to do with drawing text on pictures and not with text extraction.)
I have also searched for text recognition actions in but didn't see anything suitable.
You can use AppleScriptObjC and the Vision framework to extract text from images. The overall process is to obtain image data, set up an image request of the desired type (in this case, VNRecognizeTextRequest), create a corresponding image handler, perform the request, and return the resulting text strings.
use framework "Vision"
on getImageText(imagePath)
-- Get image content
set theImage to current application's NSImage's alloc()'s initWithContentsOfFile:imagePath
-- Set up request handler using image's raw data
set requestHandler to current application's VNImageRequestHandler's alloc()'s initWithData:(theImage's TIFFRepresentation()) options:(current application's NSDictionary's alloc()'s init())
-- Initialize text request
set theRequest to current application's VNRecognizeTextRequest's alloc()'s init()
-- Perform the request and get the results
requestHandler's performRequests:(current application's NSArray's arrayWithObject:(theRequest)) |error|:(missing value)
set theResults to theRequest's results()
-- Obtain and return the string values of the results
set theText to {}
repeat with observation in theResults
copy ((first item in (observation's topCandidates:1))'s |string|() as text) to end of theText
end repeat
return theText
end getImageText
on run (argv)
if (count of argv) is 0 then error "Must provide an image path"
getImageText(item 1 of argv)
end run
You can run this in Script Editor -- just make sure to update the file path.