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Discord python bot background text colour

I wrote a discord role selection menu like following:

class Whoyouare_select(discord.ui.Select):
    def __init__(self):
        discord.SelectOption(label = "Developer", emoji="<:developer:1085656157764464854>"),
        discord.SelectOption(label = "Quant", emoji="📐"),
        discord.SelectOption(label = "Enthusiast", emoji="👨‍💻")
        super().__init__(placeholder = "Pick a role...",  options=options)

    async def callback(self, interaction = discord.Interaction):
        user = interaction.user
        guild = interaction.guild
        role = guild.get_role(role_map[self.values[0]])
        embed = discord.Embed(title = f"```ansiAdded role(s): \u001b[0;37;42m@{self.values[0]}```")
        await user.add_roles(role)
        await interaction.response.send_message(embed=embed, ephemeral=True)

role_map is a dict containing key and value pairs for my discord server roles. I would like to send an embed message upon selection of the roles like below:

enter image description here

but i am only able to get this:

enter image description here

i dont think what i want to achieve is an actual mention therefore i tried to alter the text background but failed.


  • i dont think what i want to achieve is an actual mention

    Yes it is. The first screenshot is quite literally an actual mention.

    You can't change the background colour. Discord does support ANSII codes for codeblocks, but that won't fly here.

    To create a mention string for a role, you can just use Role.mention.

    ...Embed(title = f"Added role(s): {self.values[0].mention}")

    Though embed titles don't support mentions, so you'll have to do it somewhere else (e.g. a field, the description, ...)