I'm working with monthly aggregates of MODIS EVI data from an area with a lot of cloud cover. Not many pixels are left after parsing for QA.
To improve the number of pixels, I want to combine pixels from MYD13Q1.061 Aqua Vegetation Indices 16-Day Global 250m
with those from MOD13Q1.061 Terra Vegetation Indices 16-Day Global 250m
. All images have been subjected to the same process in Google Earth Engine and importated in R. Sample files can me gotten here (files are not large)
#Set working directory
##load EVI tiffs
tiflist_evi=list.files(path = pathtif_evi,'*.tif')
##read in EVI tifs
all_tiffs_evi <- lapply(tiflist_evi, raster)
#Set working directory
##load EVI tiffs
tiflist_myd=list.files(path = pathtif_myd,'*.tif')
I have tried a solution from @Forrest R. Stevens using the code below it doesn't work on pixels. It seems suited for numeric values.
Create indices for pixels that are NA in B and not NA in A:
A <- all_tiffs_evi
B <- all_tiffs_myd
indices <- is.na(B)[] & !is.na(A)[]
B[indices] <- A[indices]
Please, I need help with a method for replacing NA pixels in one image with pixels from another (where a valid pixel exist). I have monthly data for 22 years. Thank you
You can use terra::cover
like this
fmod <- list.files(path="mod", pattern='tif$', full=TRUE)
mod <- rast(fmod)
fmyd <- list.files(path="myd", pattern='tif$', full=TRUE)
myd <- rast(fmyd)
x <- cover(mod, myd)
If there is no reason to prefer mod
over myd
then it could make more sense to take the mean values where they both have a value.
m <- mean(mod, myd, na.rm=TRUE)