I am trying to make a game, and I am trying to random an item in the table, so I used i,v in pairs, but It only gives me the name of the item, how do I get the item? It is a function. Can anyone knows the answer and tell me, thank you.
The code I scripted down there
for i,v in pairs(TTH) do -- Making the for loop
TTH. -- Didn't know what to do
end -- Ending of for loop
I scripted it and searched up there and finds nothing, a table can't use FindFirstChild so can anyone tell me what to do?
Lua for loops are implemented in this way:
for i, v in pairs(table) do
-- i: index
-- v: value
If you were doing a for loop, you'd be iterating over each instance inside TTH
(TTH would have to be a table) which is not the intended behavior.
Let's say you had a folder named TTH and wanted to get a random child in that folder each time the script was executed. You would want to do:
local childTable = TTH:GetChildren()
local child = items[math.random(1, #children)]